Safety Net Testing And Net Strength Testing offers safety net testing and net strength testing services.

Our experienced team are able to assist you with safety net testing which is designed to meet OHS legislative requirements. This includes providing assistance with site specific safety net design and planning needs, fall prevention risk assessment and project work at height plans, net installation where required, inspection and testing certification, installation, training and net maintenance. This machine test is performed on our testometric machine by mechanically stretching the mesh until reaching the mesh breakage.

We can obtain the following safety information:

  • Tensile strength in kg
  • Stretching of the mesh in mm
  • Stretching percentage of the mesh


This safety net conforms to EN 1263.1 Standards. The safety net is made from high tenacity polypropylene. Energy absorption is approximately 4.8kj. We can supply safety nets for Roof Trusses, Industrial Factories, Formwork and more.

Our experienced team are able to assist you with our fall prevention system which is designed to meet OHS legislative requirements and includes providing assistance with site specific safety net design and planning needs, fall prevention risk assessment and project work at height plan, net installation where required, inspection and testing certification, installation and training and net maintenance


We supply all fall protection safety net sales and installation. Safety Nets have been used all over the world to prevent fatalities in work places working at heights and have worked effectively in reducing the number of fatalities over the years.We can supply safety nets for Roof Trusses, Industrial Factories, Formwork and more. 

Our experienced team are able to assist you with our fall prevention system which is designed to meet OHS legislative requirements and includes providing assistance with site specific safety net design and planning needs, fall prevention risk assessment and project work at height plan, net installation where required, inspection and testing certification, installation and training and net maintenance.

The nets are available in both standard and customised sizes and come with attached perimeter cords and intermediate reinforcement ropes. Industrial safety nets may be used either vertically for edge protection applications as fall prevention or horizontally as fall arrest application. can help you with installation, sales, parts and custom designed fall protection netting.

The installation layout and design should include detailed information regarding the exact positioning of the net, fixing and tensioning methods to be used and the erection and dismantling procedure. In particular, where nets are to be cantilevered from scaffolds, the scaffold must be designed for the additional loads and the scaffold may require additional ties or braces. Consideration must also be given to the supporting structure and connections. Nets can be attached to scaffolding designed for the purpose or to other suitable structures.

Use and maintenance on site

The following situations should be avoided wherever possible:

  • Avoid dragging a safety net over any rough surfaces.
  • Do not store a net where it could be exposed to mechanical, heat, chemical damage.
  • Do not allow cords to come into contact with sharp edges.
  • Never stack materials on a safety net.
  • Always ensure the structure to which the net is attached is capable of supporting the net and any shock loading in the event of an arrested fall.
  • Do not allow debris to accumulate in the net.
  • Do not allow anyone to jump in the net like a trampoline or take short cuts across the net.
  • No throwing objects into a safety net.
  • Do not allow a safety net to be exposed to hot work such as flame or spark producing operations without a flame blanket.
  • Do not allow the net to come in contact with chemicals that may degrade the net.
  • Ensure distances are maintained from overhead electrical conductors.
  • Take measures to ensure nets cannot be struck or damaged by moving loads from cranes or other mechanical plant or equipment.
  • Do not allow any person to erect a safety net who is not competent to do so.
  • Do not use an industrial safety net without a current inspection tag attached.
  • Do not allow any unauthorised person to interfere with any part of the net and its assembly.
  • Do not use a safety fall arrest net as a cargo net on a crane to lift materials or on a truck to retain a load.
  • Always make sure you have an emergency access or rescue plan in place to retrieve a person whose fall has been arrested and who may be injured.
  • Industrial safety nets and associated equipment used on building or construction sites should be inspected each day prior to working commencing.
  • Damaged nets must be taken out of service and repaired or replaced immediately.

The following check list can be used as guide to ensuring a safe net:

  • The knots look secure
  • Regularly inspect for damage in the nets, mesh, Inspections tags
  • The tie spacing is less than 2.5m, recommended intervals @1.5m -2.0m
  • It is best practice not to have any gaps, and gaps no greater than 100-200mm.
  • The joints or overlaps should be laced, pinned or overlapped by a minimum of 1-m to 2m, pending on free fall, this to prevent openings of nets in case of fall.
  • The eaves should not waist in, or be tied out to flimsy materials. If the building has extended eaves of gables, check that they are suitably netted.
  • Rolling of nets-Excess gathered Carried out correctly (Tying Rope through mesh and Border rope both as one)
  • If debris mesh is being overlaid on the nets, then check how good is the coverage, are there any gaps or holes, has the wind moved the debris?

Disclaimer: This information should be used as a guide only and Contact Us if further information is required